wonderful: Hot milk ginger with honey <wonderful></wonderful>



Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hot milk ginger with honey

Hi...two days ago I have been share a food recipe, today is sunday in Indonesia,Jakarta....I like to share a drink recipe,may be it suitable for people in cold weather or a rainy day.Last night in Jakarta have a heavy rain,so today I like to write a little drink.
Ingredients :
  • 500 g old ginger
  • 1000 ml hot water
  • 2 egg ( take only the inside one,yellow)
  • 500 ml warm milk
  • 5 tbs honey

Method :

  1. Cut the ginger in a small pieces and blend it with blender.Put the blend ginger in the hot water and separate it after a while time.
  2. Stir the yellow egg up to smooth and mix it with honey.
  3. Pour the hot ginger water ( no.1 ) in the no.2 .Mix it again.
  4. At last add warm milk in the no.3 and serve it.

Makes : 6 servings.

Tips : Serve it with warm condition,or after made it.

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